The Law of Attraction…

I felt compelled to add my voice to the much written and talked about “Law of Attraction.” It appears many are just delighted to know that a law exists that allows all their desires to come into their lives with the right focus!  Based on the scientific premise of the law, we know that is exactly what it does. However we focus the mind, we are able to move matter in that direction.

However, to shed some light on this law we need to understand where it came from.  The Law of Attraction was instituted at the beginning of time to ensure that the ‘Personality’ – the earthly vehicle made up of the physical, emotional and mental bodies – would find his way back together with his soul so the individual could be whole again.  It was intended that the purpose for which humanity came into evolution and the ‘experiment’ which was the foundation of Man’s play in matter, would also provide for his return so that he would not become lost in the illusion of Matter.

Mankind’s desire when he chose to come onto the plane of name and form was to immerse himself in matter, to lose himself in it and then remember the real reason for which he chose to come on the adventure.

In the Christian story of the prodigal son, the son went out into the world to experience everything he could not learn in the controlled environment of his home.  He needed to go out into the world and gave himself permission to experience all his heart desired in the world of form….and he did!  Then, as the story goes, he became so satiated with matter and, having had his fill, he decided to reverse his path and return home!  The path home is analogous to the Law of Attraction.  The Law of Attraction is in operation when the illusion of success, peace, happiness and wholeness is attained through matter ends and the individual turns his face toward symbolic Jerusalem, the Abode of Peace…

In the Fama Fraternatis of 1610, it is written of a German lad of high nobility of, who discovers that with all his wealth and position in society, he was in poverty.  Whether it is through this story and the point of cognition that led him to initiate his journey from West to East through the desert to Jerusalem, or the story of the prodigal son of the Christian story who left home on his adventure into the far country and who became immersed in matter and all it has to offer, each of us must come to ourselves after becoming satiated, reverse our steps and head for (re-)union with his soul to attain true peace.

Similarly, Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum of the Masonic story and who respectively represent the physical, emotional and mental bodies, had the same experience as everyone eventually does.  Everyone comes to know that matter offers no permanent peace and that only through the reconnection of the personality to one’s soul, when the wandering is over, that through the benevolent “Law of Attraction” can sustainable success and fulfillment be achieved.

They who have walked the path to true fulfillment know that matter – the lowest form of spirit – must come under the dominion of spirit who created it, for the true order of things to be in operation.  When, through the Law of Attraction, the soul and the personality come back into union with one another, the desire nature changes and the thirst and hunger is for things that truly last.  This cannot take place however, until one’s fascination with gold is complete and he/she acquires the ability to see that gold was never what he was looking for.  Spirit cannot be manipulated to give you more, and, if you need more matter so you can be happy… matter  can do just that and take you to the ultimate of your illusion.

Jesus our wayshower for the Age of Pisces was and is the perfect example of what this journey is about… he had no money, no house, no land or formal education though totally learned, such that he could carry out the most profound discourse with the rabbis of the Sanhedrin.  He was never in need of anything and was the perfect example to Man, his life was simple!  But as we know, since he understood that when the law of attraction operates for the purpose for which it was originally intended, his physical obligations would be met.  H knew that this was the source – not the job, the wife, the husband, the inheritance, etc.  He walked the planet for “33” symbolic years to perfect the union of his soul and his earthly body to be able to say, when his process of Initiation was achieved —I and my father are one— the law of attraction had completed its work in him and brought about the result for which it was established.

In the union of soul and personality, there is no more wanting – matter and spirit are no longer alienated from each other, and as a matter of course, everything one needs in the physical world now responds to him because the “law” is now established in him and must respond to him to provide all he needs in the physical world.  The struggle with matter ends and instead yields to him in his consciousness. The pair of opposites — Poverty and Wealth— are now reconciled!  As the young German discovers by the time he completes his journey in Jerusalem, wealth is not the possession of gold, and poverty is not the absence of gold!

It is very unfortunate that religious dogma seems to suggest to its followers that the measure of how much one is loved by God and is successful, is the amount of material possessions or gold they can amass.  This absurd notion has caused mankind to define itself by how much he/she has and all his time is spent acquiring more and more possessions, leaving no time for the self-reflection and self-assessment that will lead to liberation from the bondage to form and ignorance.

The hand of Saturn, the celestial teacher, can be seen so strongly in the financial crisis the world is experiencing.  Humanity must turn his attention to the creator of matter and not be ruled by the matter he has created.  The current financial crisis is designed to cause a reversal in the mind so that Man embarks on his Path of Return, which is the goal of the Aquarian Age!  Man will come to know within his being:  Spirit is the highest form of Matter, and Matter is the lowest form of Spirit.  He will remember that his purpose here is to re-constitute his three lower bodies so he can house his Spirit who brought him into evolution to carry out its purpose.

The Law of Attraction, like any law, is neutral and will attract anything one focuses its attention on.  Man, the craftsman must bring about the alchemical process in his being, through right attention and right focus, that allows for the transformation in his cells to occur that will make him an acceptable vehicle for his spirit to come in and commune with him.  Only then can the true secrets of life and the mystery of who he is be revealed to him so he can achieve true wealth and lasting peace.

And that, is the true law of attraction at work.

***More information on the Fama Fraternatis can be found in Unveiling the Secrets of the Feminine Principle and more about the Masonic stories of Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum can be found in the book The Role of Consciousness in Governance.

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The Floating Capstone…

As a tribute to the United States of America on its two hundred and forty-six years as of 2022 of being the land described by those who laid down the foundation for the country: “A light to the world”!   This country is the prototype of the vision held in the mind of the Divine not only for the people of the United States of America but for the whole world.

As far back as two thousand years B.C., the mystical orders of Egypt were aware of the existence of the great Western Continent called America, and decided that it should be the site of the philosophic empire, a land where representatives of humanity would gather to implement their desires for a new vision of what the world could be.

The Secret Orders of Europe provided the foundation for the establishment of this great country.  Everyone who came to these shores is of every kindred, tongue and nation.  Those who were evolved and those not so much!  What became established here was an admixture of the full array of humankind with corresponding levels on consciousness.  What better place than this for all the cultures, races and philosophic ideas to be given the opportunity to make sense or meaning of their experiences than in America where everyone would have the privilege to express themselves without fear of persecution, tyranny, and death.  This provided the perfect arena or incubator for the development of all ideas no matter how contradictory!  In the establishment of this democratic republic, a new race was born—the American Race—defined as:  a race of humanity determined and set apart by a conviction that human beings are created free and equal and are entitled to opportunities for perfecting their life, their freedom and the pursuit of their happiness which was not determined based on one’s blood or the size of one’s cranium.

It must not be forgotten though that behind all the occurrences in this history of the country there was a Divine Idea for America!  If anyone doubts that our country was founded on the principles of Masonry, one need only look at our One Dollar Bill and the reverse of the ‘Great Seal’ to know that the foundation of our country is anchored in the ancient philosophy of Egypt who had the first democratic leader the world had ever known, Akhenaten!  Akhenaten was born of the “second birth”, defined by the ancients as one who achieved the status of “wise man” and was of a separate race.  This race emerged as enlightened intelligent beings produced through the intentful development of the mind.  Akhenaten, the very young Priest, King and Pharaoh of ancient Egypt, is described as the first man in recorded history to exemplify social consciousness in the administration of a great nation.  He was known as the first pacifist, the first realist, the first monotheist, the first democrat, the first humanitarian and the first internationalist.

It is this ideal of a nation, under the leadership of Akhenaten of ancient Egypt, that those who founded the United States of America sought to emulate on the North American continent.  It is safe to say that this information informs the appearance of the ‘floating capstone’ or ‘fire triangle’ that the Egyptians call “The Light” that we see twice on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States of America as the unfinished pyramid.   A radiant triangle enclosing the “All-seeing Eye” is another piece of evidence that the structure of government intended by the founders of the American Republic, presented itself to their minds, as a piece of Egyptian Masonry and as the vision and democratic philosophy of the first conscious leader, Akhenaten.

The floating capstone is symbolic of the group of souls now on our planet who have emerged as wise-men and members of the Fifth Kingdom and who are poised to assist in the spiraling of consciousness upward …these are the Adepts and Initiates who will complete the “Unfinished Pyramid” and anchor the floating capstone to the unfinished pyramid to complete the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  This will mark the beginning of the Age of Peace that the Divine Mother promised. And, the beginning of the 21st century will see the New Order of the Ages become a reality here.  These souls will establish a New World Order.  They themselves are an order of immortals composed of new beings whose nucleus is now on the planet and constitute a new species of humanity.  For this group of enlightened souls, the pair of opposites — Peace and Strife — has been reconciled and these souls will usher in the new era of Peace on our planet.

The Piscean Age was characterized by devotion, idealism to the point of fanaticism, patriotism, and paternalism and these are now fading away. We have now left the Age of Pisces, however many are still desperately trying to hold on to these traditions and beliefs of the past, refusing to give way to a more expansive and inclusive understanding of reality. This struggle to preserve what is no longer useful is causing the pain we are now witnessing globally with so many.  The Mother will help to guide this country and our planet into the age of reason.

As America, the land that the ancients refer to as the “New Atlantis” rises, it is Isis, the symbol for the Age of Aquarius and keeper of the ancient secrets, under the direction of the Dog-Star Sirius, who will shepherd this country through the great transformation that will take place in our world and, the United States of America is central to this occurrence.

It has not escaped me that The Grand Cross formation which astrologers say occured on 7/7/2010 took place around the birthday of this nation.  Whatever is to happen to the world must first happen in America.  It is my belief that this event will mark a turning point in the history of America – and our world – and that on the mental plane there will be a significant shift away from separation and toward Oneness and Unity.  The Divine Feminine, who links nation to nation and Man to Man promises to anchor the divine blueprint for a new world based on justice and fair play at this time. The Masonic promise and premise on which America was established will become a reality here…and I do not mean Masonry as it has been hijacked and defined by the few, but Masonry as it was given in its original form and intent – – a blueprint for the true Brotherhood of Man, and a spiritual philosophy that will end war and poverty as we know them.

America has an Aquarian soul and so it is now fitting that the soul-purpose for which this country was created will now achieve expression on the planet.

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Summer Solstice, Grand Cross and Isis Unveiled!

Isis Unveiled!

  Isis,  Keeper of the Ancient Mysteries!

Many might be asking…what are the ancient mysteries anyway?  Well, this is a body of knowledge that has existed for centuries and, it might be accurate to say, since the beginning of time.  It  is informed by such Masters of Wisdom as Jesus whom we call the Christ, Buddhah, Loa-Tse, Hermes, Thoth, Quetzacoatl, Saint Germaine, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, the symbolic Harim Abiff of the Masonic legend and many, many others who have walked this planet as humans from every race, culture and geographic region as representatives of humanity.   By following the path of Initiation, they achieved Adeptship!  Who is an Adept?…One who has mastered his ‘lower nature’ to become master of himself and all the kingdoms below him…God-Man, member of the Fifth Kingdom as Jesus became, being the elder brother of the race of man…the wayshower! While Buddah was the wayshower for the Age of Pisces just now ended, Jesus the Christ is the wayshower for the Age of Aquarius we have just entered.

Buddah incarnated to show humanity how to walk the mystical path toward Initiation.  Then, two thousand years ago Jesus came onto the plane of matter to walk the seventh stage, the occult path, and the ultimate toward —Initiation!  That is the goal of mankind…Initiation!

Like any good teacher, Jesus left the blueprint for how to achieve initiation, and then disappeared, allowing mankind to follow the blueprint left behind to unfold himself with the guidance and direction of the advanced souls on the planet.  He knew that for anyone to achieve enlightenment, he must wrestle with himself to overcome erroneous ideas of separation, to reconcile the seven pairs of opposites —

  • Fertility and Sterility
  • Peace and Strife
  • Grace and Sin
  • Life and Death
  • Wealth and Poverty
  • Wisdom and Folly
  • Dominion and Slavery

which will liberate him from the bondage of ignorance!

Over the last two thousand years during the Age of Pisces which was responsible for the development of consciousness in the cells, the Lords of Compassion were responsible for overseeing the proper development of the physical, emotional and mental bodies of each individual so that his or her personality vehicle would be able to house the divine idea perfectly…to result in Initiation!

Jesus’ role was to demonstrate to humanity that he, Man, can, is expected to, and will achieve full Adeptship while in human form as he did…that is why he is called the wayshower…he was here to show the way, not to be worshipped.

Living among us, are thousands of souls in every land who have achieved Adeptship…they walk among us but because the eyes of mankind are not yet fully opened, they cannot be seen.   Mankind is still caught up with the illusion of matter, the sensational and that which dazzles!  This is changing rapidly and to give us a huge jolt toward this end the “stars” are now aligned to facilitate this movement forward.

The Masters of Wisdom operate behind the scenes to orchestrate and shape the unfolding of individuals, governments, countries, and both public and private institutions to establish the Divine Plan on Earth.

All along the way, Humanity has been impulsed by divine energy, goading him on toward the established goal of full self-knowledge which is what we call Enlightment.

For the first time in the history of Humanity, a large number or ‘critical mass’ is now ready to simultaneously embark on the path of Initiation!  The Divine Mother is initiating the process!

Astrologers tell us that this rare alignment of the planetary bodies Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, and Uranus is going to be in a special configuration designed to emit a significant impulse of divine force to accelerate the process of conscious evolution for mankind and all the kingdoms below beginning on the summer solstice on June 21st together with the Grand Cross alignment of July 7th…one can see the hand of Isis in this alignment because the number for July 7th , 2010 is 17…the number of the “Star” in Qabalistic Tarot…Isis Unveiled!

Of Isis is written atop the Temple of Sais:

I, Isis, am all that has been, that is, or shall be; no mortal man hath ever me unveiled.  The fruit, which I have brought forth, is “the Sun.”

I am Isis, mistress of the whole land; I was instructed by Hermes and with Hermes, I invented the writings of the nations, in order that not all should write with the same letters.  I gave mankind their laws, and ordained what no one can alter.  I am the eldest daughter of Kronos; I am the wife and sister of the King Osiris.  I am she who rises in the Dog-star.  I am she who is called the goddess of women.  I am she who separated the heaven from the earth.  I have pointed out their paths to the stars.  I have invented seamanship.  I have brought together men and women.  I have ordained that the elders shall be beloved by the children. With my brother, Osiris, I made an end to cannibalism.  I have instructed mankind in the mysteries.  I have taught reverence of the divine statues.  I have established the temple precincts.  I have overthrown the dominion of the tyrants.  I have caused men to love woman.  I have made justice more powerful than silver than gold.  I have caused truth to be considered beautiful.37

(Erman’s Handbook of Egyptian Religion)

Isis is the keeper of the ancient mysteries,  She has held the secrets of life until Humanity is mature enough to comprehend their inner meaning and their application to life.

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Crisis in the Gulf…

We are told by the ageless wisdom teachers that ALL crises are created by Saturn( Chronos, The Mother, The Law Giver, Father Time, The Lord of Karma… The Celestial Teacher and Task Master)  who says only when we evolve the capacity to formulate the right questions will we be able to get the right answers.  Crises are created by Spirit to end outworn patterns of the thinking and behavior without which mankind does not change…

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