The Black Lodge…

The Black Lodge…

I form the Light and create Darkness. I make Peace and create Evil.

I the Lord do all these things. Isaiah 45: 5, 6, 7(KJV)

Just about everyone is happy to talk about the Light but no one wants to talk about Darkness.  However, without an understanding of Darkness one cannot walk in Light and without an understanding Evil, how can one know God…

To become a conscious entity on planet Earth and a true citizen of the Aquarian Age requires courage and a deep unquenchable desire to know one’s self.

And this knowledge of the self can only be revealed not taught to the individual by his own Inner Teacher who is the only true teacher and the revealer of the Mysteries of Life…

How can one emerge from Darkness into Light, from Ignorance to Knowledge without an understanding of either…

Without this knowledge mankind will indeed perish…

The Forces of Darkness or the so-called Black Lodge of Adepts operate from the lower astral plane and have had its establishment on the Earth for eons and is far more firmly established here since the foundation for its power is separation and materialism, division and greed

Gladly, their power is rapidly waning due to the evolution of human consciousness…

The so-called Great White Lodge which consist of the Hierarchy of Masters have sought to bend human thought away from separation and materialism toward unity and oneness which has been difficult but is finally taking hold in a big way

This is made possible through the development of the human vehicle— the physical, emotional and mental bodies— giving man the capacity to hold the infusions of light emitted by the Masters of Wisdom into the minds of Man

Through humanity’s ability to decipher and to see the relationships and associations between one thing and another he is now able to make better choices and do so more consciously

Every adept who has passed through the Gate of Initiation knows the singular prize to be won at the end of his journey is: Self Knowledge

To accomplish this, one must have developed the capacity to first cognitively understand the concept of duality and how it manifests in form…

He must come to know how and why the cleavage of the mind set up a kingdom on Earth in which oneness gave way to a perception that appearances are reality and anything that is different is not a part of oneness and should be destroyed…

This lack of knowledge is responsible for the war, poverty, and unimaginable inhumanity the world has seen…

Religion has constructed a paradigm that splits the ONE into a cast of two characters—one they call God who is kind, friendly and benevolent and the other Satan/Saturn who is harsh, cruel and unforgiving

In this scenario there are two kingdoms—One ruled by GOD and the other kingdom ruled by the DEVIL

Alas!  The wise discovers they are indeed two aspects one reality…

The members of the Black Lodge have been called by many names…

Most notably the Illuminati…

What is not understood by most is that everyone has been a member of this Black Lodge and sometime in his sojourn…

Everyone became a member by choosing to come to planet Earth and to be a part of duality and the only way to relinquish membership in this lodge is through knowledge and compassion

That knowledge must include the understanding of the collective agreement everyone made before coming to this planet— to play out the illusion of separation and duality…

In this year 2011 that veil of ignorance and illusion is parting significantly to reveal the truth regarding all the pairs of opposites

The word Maya means illusion and it is this illusion that must end…

The only way it ends is through integration…

This is where the river meets the ocean; judgment occurs by a comprehensive understanding of the laws of life then is mankind resurrected from the watery tomb of the subconscious to a conscious knowledge of his choice and his destiny, and onto the Path of Liberation by the merge of opposites…

Most have heard the story of Solomon’s Temple.  Its significance is essential to anyone who seeks transformation, because the temple is the symbol of that structure that everyone is here to construct consciously

The temple is that vehicle needed to house the divine essence

For those who remember story of the building of Solomon’s Temple, there were specific instructions regarding measurements and materials given for its constructing

So that this temple would have the vibrational frequency needed for a permanent in-dwelling of spirit, the building of that temple/vehicle could not be left up to the limited understanding or whims of the uninitiated mind.  The Master Builder was appointed to oversee its construction

What is little known is that everyone is required to build his temple to those same specifications thus making everyone a builder…

This temple is described in ancient text as: ‘one not made with hands, eternal in the heavens’…one built on divine laws…

Solomon was designated to build the symbolic temple in Jerusalem because he had qualified himself, as did the Prodigal Son, by the experiences gained by immersing themselves in the extremes of life and extracting the wisdom that comes from understanding both extremes

Like Solomon and the Prodigal Son everyone eventually comes to the same conclusion that we are bound up inextricably together in a destiny that cannot be won with blame but by a mature examination of those aspects of Self and of Life he is often too afraid to examine…

Mankind has lost memory of his past and is in denial of his present, which prevents him from reconciling the extremes of his experiences lived here and elsewhere…

Those who have no memory are those who most lack compassion…

Because the Wise has prefect memory they have no judgment of humanity— only compassion…

They seek only to lift up humanity…

The Wise remembers he was his brother at every point on the journey toward self-knowledge and before reaching the heights of spiritual attainment…

On one hand, the New Age movement has lulled people into a false sense of what is required to achieve true and sustainable peace, harmony and oneness; and on the other hand religion has used fear to keep its flock in control, with neither group having any true understanding of how he, his world and his government are constituted and why and how liberation is achieved…

The Arcane mysteries teach that the first stage of enlightenment is ‘sight”— the ability to see or to penetrate into things with the focus and clarity of a regenerated mind

There is an ancient fact: ‘One cannot change what one cannot see or understand…’

There is much talk about the 2012 event…

I remarked to someone lately that there is the perception that 2012 will come, everyone will graduate because the biochemistry and the quantum physics will provide for that graduation and  everyone will be rendered all-knowing without any cognitive understanding of what they have been a part of for eons, and why

If that is true there would have been no need for the process of our living on this physical plane with all the institutions put in place to ensure that the physical, emotional and mental bodies grow and mature in preparation for this event.  To ensure that come graduation day the individual is qualified for that graduation through the process of his step by step evolution, rendering him a conscious individual who has earned that graduation and qualified to pass through the Gate of Initiation/Graduation

What in fact is the 11:11 Gateway?

It is none other than the symbolic portal of Solomon’s Temple which everyone must enter through…

One Black and one White…

Boaz and Joachim…

The Light and the Dark…

The Black Lodge and the White Lodge…

It must be understood that the reward for our sojourn here and our entitlement to graduation is not money but wisdom…

If we remember correctly, Solomon was described as the wisest man that ever lived.

Solomon’s temple is used as the reference to the achievement of the full development of the human vehicle made ready to fully house divine knowledge…

Solomon gained his wisdom by reconciling the pairs of opposites…

This is the only way wisdom can be achieved…

Because Solomon lived a life totally immersed in both extremes of earthly experiences, he qualified himself to speak with authority on all subjects…

He is not a propagator of conspiracy theories…

He became a KNOWER…

Not because of anything he was told by anyone else but because he, through his own experiences and his ability to understand, reason and make meaning of relationships and associations was able to see with the single eye of the inner mind that all apparent differences are parts of one whole…

That there is in fact no separation

This ability must be achieved by everyone who yearns to be liberated

The inability to have compassion for our fellowman stems from the lack of capacity to see ourselves in them…

The wise man is always symbolized as wearing a grey robe.  He symbolizes one who has reconciled the pairs of opposites…

He has integrated light and dark; so-called good and the so-called evil…

He is the living representation of the Black Pillar and the White Pillars of Solomon’s Temple…

He is the Master of the Lodge because he has mastered the laws of the Black Lodge and the White Lodge and now has dominion over all things

He has mastered the illusion of separation…

He is now qualified to legitimately stand as a representative of humanity…

Jesus emerged on the stage of Life as the Master Builder and Wayshower and demonstrated to humanity how the Temple is Built and how the Path of Return must be walked…

He is the representative to man as one who has healed the cleavage in the mind, entered through the gates of Oneness, and achieved the title of 33rd degree…

Humanity chose to come to this water planet called Earth to experience the illusion of separation and to be able to report back to himself what that feels like by being able to make correct meaning and interpretation of his emotional life experiences in a physical world according to divine principles…

He came here to forget and then to remember the divine idea that brought him into incarnation, and the inner secrets that idea holds for his liberation from matter…

May Light Be Extended Upon You…

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The Ancient Destiny of America, Egypt, Akhanaton and the Floating Capstone…

The Floating Capstone…

Two hundred and thirty-four years ago the United States of America was born as the  land described by those who laid down the foundation  for this country as: “A light to the world”!   This country is the prototype of the vision held in the mind of the Divine not only for the people of the United States of America but for the whole world.

As far back as two thousand years B.C., the mystical orders of Egypt were aware of the existence of the great Western Continent called America, and decided that it should be the site of the philosophic empire, a land where representatives of humanity would gather to implement their desires for a new vision of what the world could be.

The Secret Orders of Europe provided the foundation for the establishment of this great country.  Everyone who came to these shores is of every kindred, tongue and nation.  Those who were evolved and those not so much!  What became established here was an admixture of the full array of humankind with corresponding levels on consciousness.  What better place than this for all the cultures, races and philosophic ideas to be given the opportunity to make sense or meaning of their experiences than in America where everyone would have the privilege to express themselves without fear of persecution, tyranny and death.  This provided the perfect arena or incubator for the development of all ideas no matter how contradictory!  In the establishment of this democratic republic, a new race was born—the American Race—defined as:  a race of humanity determined and set apart by a conviction that human beings are created free and equal and are entitled to opportunities for perfecting their life, their freedom and the pursuit of their happiness which was not determined based on one’s blood or the size of one’s cranium.

It must not be forgotten though that behind all the occurrences in this history of the country there was a Divine Idea for America!  If anyone doubts that our country was founded on the principles of Masonry, one need only look at our One Dollar Bill and the reverse of the ‘Great Seal’ to know that the foundation of our country is anchored in the ancient philosophy of Egypt who had the first democratic leader the world had ever known, Akhanaton!  Akhanaton was born of the “second birth”, defined by the ancients as:  one who achieved the status of “wise man” and was of a separate race.  This race emerged as enlightened intelligent beings produced through the intentful development of the mind.  Akhanaton, the very young Priest, King and Pharaoh of ancient Egypt, is described as the first man in recorded history to exemplify social consciousness in the administration of a great nation.  He was known as the first pacifist, the first realist, the first monotheist, the first democrat, the first humanitarian and the first internationalist.

It is this ideal of a nation, under the leadership of Akhanaton of ancient Egypt, that those who founded the United States of America sought to emulate  on the North American continent.  It is safe to say that this information    informs the appearance of the ‘floating capstone’ or ‘fire triangle’ that the Egyptians call “The Light” that we see twice on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States of America as the unfinished pyramid.   A radiant triangle enclosing the “All-seeing Eye” is another piece of evidence that the structure of government intended by the founders of the American Republic, presented itself to their minds, as a piece of Egyptian Masonry and as the vision and democratic philosophy of the first conscious leader, Akhanaton.

The floating capstone is symbolic of the group of souls now on our planet who have emerged as wise-men and members of the Fifth Kingdom and who are poised to assist in the spiraling of consciousness upward …these are the Adepts and Initiates who will complete the “Unfinished Pyramid” and anchor the floating capstone to the unfinished pyramid to complete the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.  This will mark the beginning of the Age of Peace that the Divine Mother promised. And, the beginning of the 21st century will see the New Order of the Ages become a reality here.  These souls will establish a New World Order.  They themselves are an order of immortals composed of new beings whose nucleus is now on the planet and constitute a new species of humanity.  For this group of enlightened souls, the pair of opposites — Peace and Strife — has been reconciled and these souls will usher in the new era of Peace on our planet.

The Piscean Age was characterized by: devotion, idealism to the point of fanaticism, patriotism and paternalism and these are now fading away. We have now left the Age of Pisces, however many are still desperately trying to hold on to these traditions and beliefs of the past, refusing to give way to a more expansive and inclusive understanding of reality. This struggle to preserve what is no longer useful is causing the pain we are now witnessing globally with so many.  The Mother will help to guide this country and our planet into the age of reason.

As America, the land that the ancients refer to as the “New Atlantis” rises, it is Isis, the symbol for the Age of Aquarius and keeper of the ancient secrets, under the direction of the Dog-Star Sirius, who will shepherd this country through the great transformation that will take place in our world and, the United States of America is central to this occurrence.

It has not escaped me that The Grand Cross formation which astrologers say will occur on 7/7/2010 is taking place around the birthday of this nation.  Whatever is to happen to the world must first happen in America.  It is my belief that this event will mark a turning point in the history of America – and our world – and that on the mental plane there will be a significant shift away from separation and toward Oneness and Unity.  The Divine Feminine, who links Nation to Nation and Man to Man promises to anchor the divine blueprint for a new world based on justice and fair play at this time. The Masonic promise and premise on which America was established will become a reality here…and I do not mean Masonry as it has been hijacked and defined by the few, but Masonry as it was given in its original form and intent – – a blueprint for the true Brotherhood of Man, and a spiritual philosophy that will end war and poverty as we know them.

America has an Aquarian soul and so it is now fitting that the soul-purpose for which this country was created will now achieve expression on the planet.

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The Emerald Tablet of Hermes…

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes…

 True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is as that, which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, for the performance of the miracles of the One Thing.

 And as all things are from One, by the mediation of One, so all things have their birth from this One thing by adaptation.

 The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother, the Wind

carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth.

This is the father of all perfection or consummation of the whole world.

Its power is integrating, if it be turned into earth.

Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross,

suavely, and with great ingenuity. It ascends from earth to heaven and

descends again to earth, and receives the power of the superiors and of the


So hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee.

This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming everything subtle and penetrating every solid thing.

So the world was created.

Hence were all wonderful adaptations, of which this is the manner.

Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.

What I have to tell is completed, concerning the Operation of the Sun.

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The Esoteric Meaning of Christmas…

The Esoteric Meaning of Christmas…

In the American Indian story of birth they say a baby is born in nine months and ten moons…

In this story is described the first and the second birth…

The day we celebrate as the birth of Jesus, 25th of December, falls in the sign of Capricorn, the tenth month of the zodiacal calendar and, according to the wisdom teachings, this is not the date of his first birth but rather the sign under which he attained his second birth, on the spiritual mountain-top, having climbed the steep and arid terrain that the mountain-goat, representative of Capricorn, must encounter on his ascent.

Capricorn, a cardinal Earth sign, one of the most important signs and associated with initiation,. It is said to be the sign in which humanity attains liberation from the bondage of ignorance.

It is one of the three horned signs that hide the mysteries of— the Horn of Strife; the Horn of Plenty; and the Horn of Life.

Aries, the Ram, —The Mystery of God the Father—Creation

Taurus, the Bull,—The Mystery of the Son—Redemption

Capricorn, the Goat, — The Mystery of the Mother/Holy Spirit—Liberation

Aries, the Ram leads mankind into the creative life of Earth, and into the darkness of matter. The downturned horns of the Ram therefore signify the involutionary cycle or the coming into manifestation.

In Taurus, the upturned horns of the Bull with the circle below, depicts the push of man, which represents the “Bull” of God within man, pushing him towards the goal of illumination and the emergence of the soul from the bondage of duality.  The two horns symbolize and protect the “eye of light” in the center of the Bull’s forehead which is the “single eye”, as spoken of in the New Testament that will flood the body to become full of light at the final initiation.  The Bull leads man into desire in search of “wrathful satisfaction” of greed and of anger, which eventually changes into the golden light of illumination and becomes the bestower of light and lightens the once dark path of the traveler.

Capricorn, the Mountain Goat hides within it the symbolism of the unicorn in which the two horns and the single eye are blended and depict the long straight horn in the center of the forehead.  The mountain goat leads man into arid paths in search of food and water but it is the goat that is capable of climbing to the mountain top.

Aries, the Ram in his transformational process first becomes the Scapegoat, when he does, he then seeks illumination as the Bull of God, climbs the mountain top in the semblance as the Goat and changes its shape into the Unicorn.

Under the Divine Plan, these three signs are the great transformers that open the doors of the three higher centers in man: the head, the heart and the throat.

Looking at Capricorn from the perspective of its relationship to the second or spiritual birth, we see how the Divine Plan for man’s decent into matter, his desire to experience all that matter can offer and then his emergence out of the illusion of matter into Light, is what is represented during the Christmas season that we call the Festival of Lights.

Capricorn is an earth sign and in this sign is expressed the densest point of concrete materialization of which the human soul is capable.  In every human being is the seed— this earth, this earthiness— and it is this in Man that makes him “the First Adam” and at the same time holds within himself as does the sign, the seeds of death and finality.  This death takes place finally, and eventually, in the sign of Pisces.  This point should be pondered, since it has great meaning.

When matter and all that it connotes reaches a certain degree of density and “hardness” it is easily shattered and destroyed.  The man, newly “born” in Capricorn on the mountain top brings about his own destruction due to his fundamentally materialistic nature together with the “blows’ of fate, which are enactments of the Law of Karma.

In every incarnation Man repeats a certain measure of concreteness, and repeatedly undergoes the same destruction until the release of the life within the form—the release of the spirit out of bondage to matter.

The liberated Man then begins to rebuild the form from the ashes of that destruction but on a new foundation…

Capricorn is often seen as the sign of conclusion since it marks the point beyond which no further ascent in any particular life cycle is possible, and is esoterically referred to as the sign of “periodic arresting.”

It becomes impossible for the soul to progress under its existing form so it necessitates that the individual make his descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before he makes a new attempt to scale the heights again.  This innate need to scale the heights in all aspects is the urge that motivates so many to climb the highest mountains, whether it be Mt. Everest, Kilimanjaro, etc. or to reach the summit of one’s emotional and mental experience.

Humanity is now poised to emerge into the light and relative glory of a new civilization.  Mankind will, at the same time, conquer the last remaining summit:  the mountain top of spiritual attainment!  At this time all that which is dense materiality and earthly grandeur will remain, but this time it will be beneath the feet of humanity

Hint:  Pisces rules the feet

Capricorn is the sign in which a new cycle of effort begins for both the individual and the initiate.

The struggles, the fights, the strains against the forces of the underworld which mark the path of the initiate are distinctive of the Capricorn experience.

In ancient times there were only ten signs and Capricorn was the last on the zodiacal wheel since humanity had not yet then evolved the capacity to accept the influences of Aquarius and Pisces.  Even earlier, there were only eight signs until Libra and Virgo emerged in response to humanity’s needs.

When individualization took place in man under the sign of Leo, and the seed of “Christhood” was planted in Man under the sign of Virgo, Man became able   to nurture this “Divine Idea.”  This Divine Idea of Christhood now involuted into Earth under the sign of Aries comes into full flower in Capricorn, culminating into the birth of the “Christ Child.”

Mankind as a whole is in a state of turmoil as he is about to step forward into self-conscious unfoldment and into a sense of personal responsibility— the first flower and fruit of self-conscious awareness.

This is a journey walked alone, initiated and sustained only by the inner light of each individual’s un-quenching desire for self-knowledge.

May this be a different kind of Christmas for you as you contemplate your conscious journey towards the summit…

L.V.X- May Light Be Extended Upon You!


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Should Wives Submit to Their Husbands…

Consciousness and not gender determines rulership and power…

There is a spiritual law that states: The lesser can never rule the greater…and this is of course referring to consciousness… We see what happens when a lesser consciousness rules the world…poverty, illiteracy, disease, war, pain and death ensues…

However, this is changing, and changing fast…

Women can hasten this global transformation by allowing their creative imagination and feminine power to find expression, first personally and then on behalf of your brothers and sisters in every land…

Men or women must dare not to be subordinate any longer to a lesser consciousness…

When we move away from the emotional aspect of this concept that Paul asserted “Women must submit to their husbands…” and contemplate the issue from a place of pure reason, it becomes clear that Jesus as a “Christ”…a being who has attained the highest level of spiritual achievement possible and knows what love means…it is that individual who is in a position to rule over the “church”…the cells of his own body, or the masses of humanity because he has the consciousness to do so…

Commonsense is the hallmark of an enlightened soul…

We are expected as we grow emotionally and mentally to begin to make “meaning” of our life experiences, and in this age it is critical that we begin to analyze, and evaluate what it is that we are accepting as fact…not because Paul or even Jesus who said it but because you can verify it from your experience and knowledge, and that it makes sense and that it works…

We are no longer children, we do have the capacity to do this and we must also now give ourselves permission to operate as intelligent individuals able to function independently of a “parent” figure, whomever or whatever that parent figure symbolizes…

Both sexes have been educated and socialized to believe things that are not true and make no sense…

Humanity in large part has developed enough of a capacity, mentally and emotionally to begin to think for himself.  The Masculine and the Feminine are two aspects of the One Reality…and one aspect is not in subordination to the other, since a “Christed Being” is in complete ONENESS.

This thinking of subordination is what has kept the world from progressing and disallows the wisdom that women have to bring to the world to be useful in healing the many disastrous situations that have been created largely by these so-called enlightened men who women are supposed subordinated themselves to…

Women have lost their Voices and their Power because of the symbolic “Pot of Soup”as we may remember from the Essau and Jacob story.  Essau gave away symbolically something far more valuable and lasting, his soul, for the temporary urge to satisfy his physical needs of humger and security…

That is the constant struggle between Spirit and Matter.  Man will come to know he needs and can  have both…

But even now when women are able to provide their own “Pots of Soup” they are so psychologically programmed, they are having difficulty extricating themselves from the bondage of ignorance regarding this…

As long as women continue to deceive themselves we have a world which languishes in pain and poverty…

Whoever is the one who is most conscious is always the one in charge, and not the one with the most material possessions or is of the male gender… this is a spiritual law… This is what is meant the “Christ” being the “head”…

The one with the consciousness of ONENESS or is the closest in manifesting that ONESNESS is ALWAYS the one in charge…even when it does not appear to be so based on man’s limited understanding of what true power is …and has nothing to do with gender!!!

The ability to de-code this most esoteric/occult book “The Bible” will take place in the Aquarian Age because we are now adult enough to do so…

Jesus said, when you are a child, you think as a child, but when you become a man (adult… mentally and emotionally) you put away childish things…

It is now time to grow up, and fast!!! The Divine Mother— the Comforter—The Holy Spirit  who Humanity  has been waiting for is now here and SHE cannot accomplish the work for Humanity if women refuse to break free from their mental bondage so they can help to change the world…

However, they must first liberate themselves…

What women do not realize is that men are wonderful beings who are in the same mental and emotional bondage as they are but we need the one who is most conscious to end the illusions of superiority and inferiority whether it relates to race, gender or class so everyone can be free to live a robust life of truth and integrity…

Then we together, men and women can accomplish the task of the liberation of Humanity…

Time is running out…

The fundamentalists have done a great dis-service to mankind…and I speak about all three major religions: Islam, Christianity and Judaism…

Holding on to their out-worn, out-moded, erroneous ways of thinking…

In the main, it is because the women in all of three religions have been silenced and have been subordinated to their men…

Contrary to the seeming rise in power of these fundamentalist groups who display the lesser aspects of the Piscean Age characterized by: “Religious fanaticism, Paternalism, War, War Mongering, Materialism, and Separation… these aspects are passing out and are experiencing their last death gasp…

That is why they seem so strong and vibrant but that too is an illusion…

Anyone who is familiar with the death process understands this…

Nothing wants to die…

The Age of Aquarius is here and war WILL end on this planet and we WILL have the PEACE that is promised, because we will make it happen…

This will become a reality here in the Age of PEACE! The Feminine is the Third Person of the Trinity…GOD the FATHER—GOD THE SON—GOD THE MOTHER…SHE is the HOLY SPIRIT and is not subordinate to the FATHER and could never be or the world would cease to exist…

They are ONE…

And it is this ONENESS that allows life to exist and to be maintained…

One must be able to make the proper interpretations of what one reads, that is the reason for the advancement in education, needed to develop the ability to reason and to make proper meaning…

We thank the men and the women around the global who have fought and died to end this distorted thinking regarding the subordination of women to men…

The Divinity in me salutes the Divinity in YOU!!!


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From Mysticism to Occultism…

We are transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the New Age of Aquarius with fear and birth pangs…

The essential next step in the evolution of human consciousness cannot be further delayed to accommodate fear. We are now living in what the Ageless Wisdom teachings describe as the Age of Occultism—the Aquarian Age—as we move out of the Piscean Age of Mysticism.

A friend told me years ago after paging through my first book ‘Understanding Your Choice’ and seeing the words occult/occultism that the Christian community would greatly object to those terms and so she suggested I change them in my book.  I, of course, told her I would do no such thing and that in fact they should be emphasized given the fact that according to the arcane mystery teachings, this Age of Aquarius is one of developing an occult understanding of life.

The paralyzing effects of the fear of anything should always be countered by the light of knowledge and pure reason and not acquiescence to ignorance and fear.

The first step of any sincere aspirant of this ge is to take the time to understand the fundamental differences between the Age of Pisces with its dominant feature of Mysticism and the New Age of Aquarius with its dominant focus of Occultism.

The aspirant must have an understanding of the basic and enduring potencies of the last two thousand years of the Age of Pisces, as they must be achieved so as to provide the foundation on which to build the next level of knowledge. These principles must at the same time be balanced within the context of the new ideas and idealisms of the Aquarian Age which are to be brought into objectivity and to be expressed in a new and different way.  This knowledge is essential for the new Aquarian civilization and culture to be correctly and effectively produced and for the proper foundations to be laid for the correct development of the human being and the human family, in this new cycle.

It is important then to compare some of the key differences between the two Ages and to lay out some of the objectives and orientations of each age to give a better understanding of the goals of the Masters of Wisdom in their continued goal of achieving humanity’s liberation.

The Objectives of the Mystical Age of Pisces were to:

  1. Orient man to the world of higher values, since the outstanding characteristic under the old regime was devotion.   Now humanity must seek and hold a one-pointedness toward the soul in preparation for the emergence of the fifth kingdom—God-Man—in the Aquarian age.  All world religions have been built around some embodied Idea and these different world religions under the Piscean Age were adapted to specific nations, races and times.  That idea was designed to embody some truth through the medium of a particular Teacher who would attract those for whom He/ She expressed the highest goal toward which the population of that time could strive.
  2. Unfold the “capacity for abstraction” in Man to enable him to appreciate ideas and become able to formulate these ideas toward ideals—a direct evidence of the work of the Spiritual Hierarchy in expanding human consciousness through education, emotional development and maturity during the Piscean Cycle.
  3. Fade out the desire of devotees to impose their idealistic fanatical dreams of religious idealism on others to merciless excesses!
  4. Shift mankind away from the material values of life, under the principle of desire.  Unlike in previous times, when a few evolved Souls would accomplish this stage of development called renunciation, at this time large numbers of mankind are motivated and are now ready to make great sacrifices for an idea they believe in.  This includes even being ready to die for a major world need, an empire or a nation.  This is a major racial achievement of the Masters of Wisdom who has been able to shift the attention of humanity into the world from which these ideas emerge and onto higher and less material values.
  5. Develop discrimination in Man. The sense of taste is associated with discrimination and the development of taste reached a very high state over the last two thousand years of the Age of Pisces.  This new and highly cherished sense of “good taste” is a new thing since this was usually the prerogative or a highly cultured few.  This is an evolutionary achievement and is the correspondence on the higher plane of discriminating sense of values.  The Piscean Age can therefore be noted for the evolutionary unfoldment of—Desire, Taste and Discrimination— a preparation of the personality vehicle of the more mature individual for the inflow of the soul forces for the intrinsic expression of the true nature of the man.

The Objectives for the Occult Age of Aquarius:

This new age will be characterized by many changes.  We are beginning to see them, and they are generating much fear in the public at large who are seeing an almost radical departure from the way things were. This age is called one of Alchemy, Ceremonial Order and Magic.  One in which the magical work will be that process in which man goes in search of the magical agent within himself used in the making of the Philosopher’s Stone in integrating the physical, astral and emotional bodies and not only in the individual man but the Body of the Race of Man.

Organization, Service, Relationship, Brotherhood and the rise of the Feminine to her rightful place of equality, power and rulership are some of the hallmarks of this Age. The three things that will definitely be manifested on the planet are:

  1. Changes in civilization and the culture of humanity that will be initiated by the intelligentsia.
  2. The concepts and energies of the differences of the Ages will be understood by the intelligentsia as will be impulsed by the Masters of Compassion. They in turn will transmit these concepts and energies downward to the masses to reverse the involutionary path and re-direct humanity on the upward path toward liberation.
  3. These forces are also directed downward to the other kingdoms in nature to initiate and produce a different quality in the soul manifestation to consequently produce changes in their forms.

A difference in the types of souls who will now be incarnating on the planet…

As the occult energies pour into the etheric body of the planet and consequently into that of each individual, a New World Order is being put in place so that the arcane mysteries can be revealed through them.  The majority of the souls who were in incarnation in the Age that is moving out were mystical in nature, and so we are seeing the emergence of seventh ray or occult types appearing who will carry out the work of synthesis, fusion, and oneness.  The separation and division of the outgoing Age being replaced!

This new occult force will produce the Western School of Occultism just as the Piscean Age produced the Eastern School of Mysticism.  There will be a shift of the light in the East to over Europe and America bringing about a synthesis of the mystical way and the occult path.  The rules of the road will not be discarded; the same road will be followed, and the same goals will be achieved but the procedures will be changed to accommodate the new types now in incarnation.

In the comparison of mysticism and occultism, it must be noted that a mystic is not necessarily an occultist but the occultist embraces the mystic and in fact, mysticism is only one step on the path of occultism.  The mystical path is one of “love” and can be termed the probationary Path while the occult path is one of “Will”.  The mystic fails in the purpose of his being if he is unable to co-ordinate love demonstrated in activity through the use of intelligent Will, and to become an occultist, which he must!  In a similar way the occultist becomes a selfish exponent of intelligent power unless he is able to find a purpose of that Will and Knowledge to express, motivated through love.

The mystic deals with the form in evolution and the God within that form and works from the center to the periphery, while the occultist deals with the form itself.  The occultist works with God in outer manifestation, and reverses the process from the periphery to the center.

The mystic mounts the spiritual cross through aspiration and intense devotion to God or a Master who he recognizes, while the occultist attains by the recognition of the law that is in operation and wields that law, which binds matter. He then manipulates matter to meet the needs of the life that is within the given form.  In essence, the occultist works with the Intelligences who work with the law until he attains that Intelligence himself.  The mystic at the final initiation is merged into the occultist because he now has become a student of the law who must work with matter.  The occultist, therefore, includes the characteristics of the mystic.

The Mystical Form Type…

The mystic broods on that inner center of consciousness as he concentrates upon the God within him.  From this center he attempts to link himself to his Master, some Saint or the Divine Himself.  He pays little attention, however, to the bodies within which the consciousness dwells.  In the elevation of his consciousness, he works with the divine fire within and moves from fire to fire, always concentrating on abstractions and on the essence of that life and not on the concrete aspects of that life.  If the mystic had his way he would eliminate form totally, and as he harmonizes, loves, works and burns with fire through devotion, he aspires to leap from the plane of the emotions to that of intuition while attempting to eliminate the concrete mind in meditation.  The only form the mystic is said to use is the ladder of fire, and through graded realizations of the indwelling Fire he plans to touch the fire of the universe.  He is visionary, dreamy, impractical, emotional, and lacking the quality of mind called discrimination.  The mystic is intuitive and prone to martyrdom and self-sacrifice, and before the mystic can achieve Initiation, he must:

  1. Through meditation bring his whole nature under the law, learn the value of form and build it.
  2. Learn to appreciate the concrete, and to understand the many bodies through which life manifests and their place in the whole scheme of things.
  3. Learn about his own spirit-matter microcosmic vehicle in which he exists.

The Occult Form Type:

For the occultist form presents very little resistance.  With the Age of Aquarius embodying the Ray of Form and with its focus being Ceremonial Magic, Ritual and Alchemy, the energy of this Age powerfully facilitates a rapid development of occult knowledge and its easy assimilation.  We will also see the appearance of many occultists in the outer world.

In contrast to the Mystic, the occultist is more pre-occupied with the form though which the entity manifests, than with the entity himself.  While the mystic attempts to transcend or eliminate the mind in trying to find the true Self, the occultist because of his interest in the form which veils the Self, and through the intelligent use of the principle of the mind, he arrives at the same point as the mystic.

He recognizes the bodies or sheaths which veil the true Self and applies himself to the study of the laws that govern the solar system that is in manifestation, of which he is the microcosm.  In his study, he arrives at the central life by a process of elimination through conscious knowledge and control.  He meditates on form (e.g. geometric symbols), until the form reveals to him the creator hidden within, and by that form.  What is revealed is that the form and the Self veiled by that form are in fact one and the same and that—Spirit is the highest form of Matter, and Matter is the lowest form of Spirit.

The path of the occultist requires that he does the following:

  1. Learn and apply the law to his own unfoldment through rigid self-discipline, not the least because of the potential dangers involved, are quite different from those encountered by the mystic.  The need to wield the law from the point of curiosity, and the desire for power must be burnt out of him, so must pride and selfishness.  Only then can the secrets of the path be safely entrusted to his care.
  2. He must, through meditation on the form he has built, concentrate upon the indwelling life within and seek the inner burning Divine Fire that radiates all forms and shelters all Divine Life.
  3. Through his scientific study of the macrocosm, which is the kingdom of God without, he must reach a point where he locates the Kingdom of God within, and this is the place where the occultist merges the mystic within himself and thus the occultist and the mystic become one.

In this regard, the Age of Aquarius offers great challenges and opportunities for Self-knowing, Adeptship and Initiation.



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The New World Order: The Government of the New Age…

“Government is to a society what the head is to the body…”

We are told by the ancient wisdom teachings that in a desire to establish a divine kingdom on Earth, which would be a reflection of the kingdom Above, our many governmental systems were developed.  The systems we see operating around the world are but imperfect reflections of the ideal government divinely planned.  They are works in progress, and as each country matures and moves through the three stages analogous to human development:

  • Childhood
  • Adulthood
  • Old Age

We will be able to enjoy the rewards of the struggle from darkness/ignorance into knowledge/light.  Each individual and each country must construct the ladder internally to climb to the ultimate achievement of a government that is inclusive and serves the purpose for which it was established.

The divine structure and framework given to mankind for his evolution contains three basic departments:

  • Law, Politics and Government
  • Education, Religion and Social Affairs
  • Business and Finance

With the understanding that the primary intent for setting up this experiment on planet Earth, was to bring together groups of souls from many different planetary systems in the galaxy to interact, find their common ancestry and to realize their connection as part of one family of human beings.

Through the process of incarnation, each has forgotten his relationship to his brother thereby creating a system based on scarcity, competition and survival.  And like crabs in a barrel we would destroy anyone who would appear to get in the way of that survival.

Mankind is emerging out of the fog that a loss of memory created by his involutionary journey into the density of matter and materialism.  Each government and each individual is beginning to remember his true relationship to each other.  Communication through travel and technology is providing the opportunity to know more about one another and thus the barriers and boundaries are coming down.  The discovery of the essential nature of Oneness is causing everyone to re-think this illusionary concept of separation and Unity seems to be breaking out everywhere.

We now have a new crop of human beings who we can rightly call the children of the future who are characterized by an understanding of the inter-relationship of all life.  Since they are able to filter out of their consciousness the prejudices and ignorance of past generations, they will anchor the Aquarian government on Earth, with the hallmarks of:

  • Brotherhood
  • Synthesis
  • Service
  • Feminine equality, power and rulership; and
  • Masonry

Due to the loss of memory that Humanity experienced as it involuted into matter, we concluded that there is little or no relationship between things that appear to be different.  To heal this malady of the mind, the three basic areas mentioned previously were put in place to train the mind to penetrate the veils of appearances with the eye of the higher mind.  We will then be able to see that, in fact, the essential nature of all things is the same and that all Life is part of one Whole irrespective of outer appearances.

There has been much talk about the role of government in the lives of the citizenry and the need to keep the government out but.  It is my feeling that what society is yearning for is a government that is spiritualized.  One in which the Divine Plan for Humanity is fully operational.  However, when one is in separation, he is not able to recognize a government that reflects the Divine Intent for society.

Those with no vision and are near-sighted are convinced that things are getting worse and are very aggravated.  What is also true however is that even their ability to see these divisions is a function of their unfoldment and that the tools this new age now provides offers greater transparency.

However, when one is unable to penetrate the darkness he becomes hopeless and is convinced that the civilization is doomed.

The opportunist on the other hand sees an opening in this discontent for him to assume prominence and to come to the forefront in some department of world activity like religion, economics or politics.  Despite good intentions at times, these opportunists exploit the masses, and twist the situation to their own ends.  In some cases it is because life, destiny, fate or karma assign them for that position to balance out past acts, and so they become men/women of destiny.  Yet all the time they are but pawns in the hands of The Spiritual Hierarchy who are working to some higher end.

The peoples of the world are essentially divided into four groups:

1. The ignorant masses:  These are souls who, through poverty, lack of employment, illiteracy, hunger, distress, no leisure time or means for cultural advantages are in an inflamed condition.

They are developed just enough to respond to the mental control and suggestion of slightly more advanced people.  They can be easily regimented, influenced, standardized and swept into collective activity by leaders of any school of thought.  Whoever is clever enough and emotional enough can appeal to their material desires, love of country, and/or hatred of those who possess more than they do or look different.

They can be controlled by fear, and therefore aroused to action by emotional appeal.  Knowing no better and suffering so much, they are easily swept by the fires of hatred and fanaticism, and so they constitute one of the greatest and most innocent menaces of the present time.

They are the playthings of the better informed, and are helpless in the hands of those who seek to use them for any purpose they chose.  They can be influenced most easily by emotional appeals and by promises, while ideas make but little impact upon their consciousness, since they are not yet developed enough to think for themselves.

For the most part, the majority of them are young souls.  These souls are impelled by the need to feel that they are of value; they are also motivated by a desire to retaliate for not being recipients of more of the material benefits of life.

Unfortunately, because they are an unthinking, unreasonable mass of human beings, they can be easily manipulated and exploited by the idealism of the leaders and demagogues who propel them onto even violent actions with mob psychology, and mob rule.  The masses of humanity fight and die on the urge of inflammatory speeches and seldom know what it is all about.  In the end, however, they must come to know that their conditions can be bettered, through different means and not bloodshed and exploitation.

2. Secondly, the middle class, so called, is made up of the lower higher and the upper lower classes which is the bulk of any nation.  They are the bourgeoisie—the intelligent, diligent, inquiring, narrow-minded, essentially religious– though frequently repudiating the different forms of religion.

This second group is the most fruitful field from which the new leaders and organizers are being drawn.  They constitute an intermediate group between world thinkers, the intelligentsia, and the masses of men.  They have benefited from improved educational opportunities, they are able to read and are intelligent and, through the new methods of propaganda such as the press, television and radio; they constitute the most powerful group in each nation.  It is to them that the leaders make their appeal, and it is their backing and their partisanship which is demanded and ensures success by any leader.

In the final analysis, they are the determining factor in world affairs.  They form the bulk of the partisans in the world, the fighters for a cause, and can be formed into great groups, either for or against whatever party.

If they are not literally fighting, in the physical sense, they are fighting with words, speeches and books. They love to recognize and choose a leader, and are ready to die for a cause, and to make endless sacrifices for their ideals, based upon the ideas presented to them by their chosen leaders.

This group is being greatly influenced by the Spiritual Hierarchy at this time who seek to use them to impose the new rhythms on the different peoples in a society such as,—  political groups, religious idealists, fanatics, the protagonists of the new social order and economic regimes as translated to them rightly or wrongly by their leaders.

In the end, what they desire above all else is peace, stable economic conditions, and an orderly world.

3. The thinkers of the world:  these are the highly educated and intelligent men and women, who have ideas and formulate them into ideals.

These people speak the words, write the articles and books, and utilize all the known methods to reach and educate the general public, and thus stir up the bourgeoisie to activity with the goal of influencing the masses.

The role they play is of great importance.  From this group comes those who are steadily influencing the trend in world affairs, sometimes for good and, unfortunately, sometimes toward selfish ends but always working under the inspiration of this new age.

With the public platforms in their hands, the power of the media and radio, they play upon the human mind as a musician plays upon his instrument and, their responsibility is enormous.  In the main, they are dedicated to the amelioration of human conditions and the betterment of world affairs, giving hope for the future and the upliftment of humanity.  These souls can be found in every government, party, society, and in every church and religious organization.

They constitute the most influential group today because it is through them that the large middle class is reached, influenced and organized toward political, religious and social ends.

The ideas and words of this group percolate down through the upper and middle classes and finally reach the ears of the more advanced of the undeveloped masses.

4. The Adepts—the emerging fifth kingdom of Humanity:  these are the people who are beginning to form a new social order in the world.  They belong to no party or government in the partisan sense.  They recognize all parties, all creeds, and all social and economic organizations and recognize all governments.  They are found in all nations and all religious organizations and are involved with the formulation of the new social order commonly, but not always accurately, referred to as the New World Order.

They do not fight to keep the best in the old order or for the betterment of world conditions.  They have concluded that the old methods of fighting, and the partisanship of the leaders are out of date.  They know that old ways of party battles and of violent attacks on individuals whose ideas or way of living are different are detrimental. And, most profoundly, that all sides have utterly failed humanity.

These methods have proven to be futile and unsuitable to bringing in the desired conditions of peace, economic plenty and understanding.  And so, they are occupied with the task of inaugurating the New World Order by forming, throughout the world—in every nation, city and town,—a grouping of people who belong to no party, take no sides either for or against, but who have as clear and definite a platform and as practical a program as any other single party in the world today.

The platform upon which they stand is— the essential divinity of Man— with the understanding that a basic human characteristic is that of goodwill; this is the premise on which they build their program.  They see no racial, national or religious barriers and therefore work to heal the breaches between peoples; to evoke a sense of brotherhood and to foster a sense of mutual inter-relation.

At this time, they are organizing men and women of good will throughout the world, outlining to them a definite plan and framework within which they can meet.

This group of adepts state and know that their initial appeal has been such that, given the assistance of the trained minds found in the third group mentioned previously, with financial assistance for educational and media initiatives, they can change the world.

This They know can be accomplished without war, without arousing hatred, without attacking any cause or partisanship — and, that the New Order can be firmly established upon earth.

It is the obligation of these Initiates to watch over human evolution and to guide the destinies of men.  This objective They carry forward by implanting ideas in the minds of world thinkers.  This is accomplished, not through force which infringes upon the free will of the human spirit, but through the evocation of the human consciousness so that these ideas can be received, recognized and, in time, become the prevailing influences in human life.

Thus is the relationship of:

The Hierarchy → The Adepts → The Masses of Humanity

It is important to look at this issue from two different angles and to always remember that the objective of the new social order, new politics and new religion is to:

Bring about the unfoldment of human consciousness

Institute and bring to men’s attention the higher values, and

End the reign of materialism.

This is the goal to which all true knowers and spiritually minded men through the ages have committed themselves — to bring in the rule of the Kingdom of Heaven, which is the era of peace on earth.  This is indicated by the widespread emphasis upon world peace, as is voiced by great political leaders and by churches everywhere.

The Hierarchy is struggling hard against the so-called “forces of evil”, which  are  not  armies of unrighteousness and sinfulness, organized under a figment of the imagination, the devil or some other supreme Antichrist, for such an army does not exist.  There is no great enemy of God arraigned in battle against the Most High.

These “forces of evil” are none other than suffering, erring humanity that are still half-awakened, dimly sensing the vision, and struggling to free itself from the thralldom of the past with its tarnished allegiances and its unchecked loyalties.  The forces of evil are, in the end, only the entrenched archaic ideals and habits of thought which have served the purpose of bringing the human race to its present point of development, but which must now disappear if the New Age is to be ushered in as desired.

The old Antichrist rhythms, inherent in the old forms of religion, politics and the old social order, must give way to newer ideals, to synthetic understanding, and to the new order.  The laws and modes of procedure which are characteristic of the New Age must supersede the old, and these will, in time, institute the new social order and the more inclusive regime.

This work will bring about the conscious development of Universal Mind/Intelligence; Universal Love and Universal Will.  These are recognized by all world religions, including the Christian religion as a required achievement in this new age.

There are many experiments taking place especially in the realm of government today as men everywhere attempt to apply the newly sensed approaching ideals.

In an attempt to bring in some aspect of this ideal to the new social order much antagonism and hatred becomes obvious.  What we are really seeing are clear lines of demarcation and distinction as each group is convinced it is right.

The divine purpose for government was to set up a system wherein the liberation of humanity from ignorance can be achieved.  It is toward that end, again, that the following three primary systems were established:

  • Law, Politics and Government
  • Education and Religion
  • Business and Finance

As humanity emerges out of Darkness into Light and matures from childhood to adulthood our systems of government will correspondingly more closely reflect the divine intent for governments based on Oneness, Divinity and the Right of all Life to enjoy what the earth so bountifully provide.  Man will have more leisure time to contemplate who he is so the mystery of his divinity can be revealed to his conscious mind.

In Service to Humanity…


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Passage through the 11:11 Doorway…

No one who is in separation will be allowed to go through the doorway

According to scientists, astrologers and the ancient teachings of all cultures, a major occurrence is poised to occur at 11:11 on December 21st in the year of 2012.

At that time we will supposedly have come to the end of the Grand Cosmic Year of the Piscean Cycle.

During the Piscean cycle a large number of bodies came into incarnation; during this period these bodies were perfected enough, physically, emotionally and mentally and internal capacity was developed to allow for greater consciousness to dwell inside the cells of the being— always leading to greater self-knowing.

Capacity building was required to ensure that humanity, the highest form of divine life on the planet, would be able to contain the high frequency of vibrational force from his soul that would enter into the vehicle of each individual.

A little known fact of spiritual and religious teachings is that, in the main, humanity came to this planet to develop a vehicle that would allow for the indwelling of Spirit to live permanently in his body, thus accomplishing the Hermetic Axiom:  “That which is Above, is as that which is Below.” and thereby achieve the total spiritualization of Matter and Earth would indeed become a perfect reflection of Above; and Matter and Spirit would consciously no longer be separated.

For this spiritualization to take place, an understanding and integration of the seven principles or laws which the High Priestess has kept veiled for eons must be cognitively understood and integrated into the consciousness of every person who hopes to pass through the gateway as symbolized by the two pillars of Solomon’s Temple — one Black, the other White; and must be reconciled not only mentally, but in every cell of the body, physically.   She, The High Priestess, the Chief Feminine Elder of the Temple, the Uniting Intelligence and Keeper of the Occult Secrets, dictates that no one may pass through the Gates until all pairs of opposites are reconciled on the mental plane, cognitively…NO SEPARATION can go through the Gates!

No one gets a pass.  Spirit is no respecter of persons.  Everyone must meet this requirement. You cannot make up your own laws.  You cannot decide that I don’t like this or that so I will do my own thing.

To be blunt, your “feelings” about the laws are irrelevant…

It was separation, brought about by a cleavage in the mind that created the divided world we now inhabit where everything that “looks” different is warred upon.  Mankind has lost his memory of the relationship between who he is and what he sees outside himself.  If there is a difference he concluded that they bear no relationship to him.

These seven pairs of opposites contain within them the seven laws which must be understood and integrated by the mind through pure of reason and seen with one’s inner eye:

1. Fertility and Sterility

2. Peace and Strife

3. Grace and Sin

4. Life and Death

5. Wealth and Poverty

6. Wisdom and Folly

7. Dominion and Slavery

Humanity is here to reconcile the polarities as stated in the Hermetic Principles in the book The Kybalion by Three Initiates from which the quote below is taken:

“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

I will be as plain as I can be:  There is no Devil, there is no Satan that we are fighting and Evil cannot be destroyed, only reconciled.  I do agree with you, there is evil, but since evil is defined as separation caused by the cleavage in the mind as mentioned earlier, the liberation and healing that must occur in order to pass through the gateway is the healing of the mind.

Man must mentally merge so-called good and so-called evil!!!

You have been told that we should kill the mind, nonsense!

Without your mind you cannot attain higher knowledge and higher consciousness…

How do you reconcile the pairs of opposites?

One thing is for sure, feelings alone will not take you there…

Knowledge of the reconciliation is the mystery of the Aquarian Age that is now being unveiled.

We are now mature enough mentally and emotionally to think and act like adults.  No emotionally or mentally childish individuals will be passing through the 11:11 Gates!

Neither your pastor, your Rabbi, your Imam, your mother, your partner, your sister or your brother is going to be able to take you through this portal.

The Age of Aquarius, co-ruled by Leo, which rules the heart and the spine, demands that everyone stands on his/her own two feet both mentally and emotionally and, by extension of these two, spiritually.

The co-dependent horizontal relationship with gurus and masters must give way to a vertical relationship with your own soul who has and will always be your only true teacher…

You must be able to think for yourself, you must be able to reason logically, rationally and objectively.  The gateway is not for a bunch of happy, feel-good people going to drink milk and honey on the other side of the doorway.

That thinking is childish…

There is much work to be done and before it can be done the consciousness has to be there to support it.

People who live in separation will keep separation going because, by nature they hate anything that doesn’t look or feel “right”— all based on emotions and no logic.

They will truly be the left behinds…

In spite of this, they are not going to encounter fire and brimstone…

They are not going to be cast into a lake of fire…

They will go where young souls go to develop into mature adults…

They need more time, so that in the next cycle they will be ready to move on.

I have observed that there is a great resistance to transitioning from a Piscean consciousness into the consciousness of the Aquarian Age…

That is understandable since we have gotten used to patterns of thinking and behaving that have become comfortable.

We are all in our comfort zones…

Well, Saturn the celestial teacher, who creates crises, yes, creates them, has other plans…

The crises in your life are not caused by the Devil, unless by Devil you mean Saturn (or Satan).  Saturn the benevolent Mother/Father knows that if left to our own devises we would never move forward due to the inertia of planet earth and mental laziness…

So, out of loving kindness, our way of thinking has to be interrupted and, sometimes radically, in order to bring us to the point of recognition needed for us to “see” what must be changed in our lives.

As I’ve said before, we came to this planet through an involutionary journey into matter to become totally immersed in the illusion and density of this planet… to have a complete physical, emotional and mental experience in matter that would provide a level of knowledge that could not be gained any other way….

Mankind then emerges out of that illusion, with greater wisdom, knowledge and understanding…

For this you need a mind to help make meaning of all this experience

The High Priestess, who is associated with the Moon Center and the organ of sight in the body often referred to as the Third Eye, which gives one that ability to “see” and with this “inner eye” is able to reconcile the pairs of opposites.

When that is accomplished one is able to see that what appears to be two unrelated aspects of any reality are in fact reflections of each other.  The aspirant now sees that although the Black and the White Pillars at the door of Solomon’s Temple appear to be totally different and unrelated, with this new sight he is able to see how they are perfect reflections of each other.  This was the intended outcome for being immersed in matter on planet earth…to loose one’s memory of Oneness…to almost totally forget… and now to emerge out of the illusion of separation and amnesia back into unity…while at the same time building a vehicle to house that Oneness…

I suggest that all who have disdain for people and situations that are ‘different’ or do not reflect their thinking or point of view begin to muster the courage to start looking at life with a different eye.  You will have to begin to do that…and, we do not have much time left.

Let me remind you that Saturn and Chronos, the time-keeper, are in fact the same entity and

He/She has a stop-watch and, when the time is up, it is all over…

The process of understanding the curriculum is not an open-ended one and there is no embarrassment at not being able to totally get it.

If an individual does not have the capacity to comprehend unity and oneness, there is no fire and brimstone that is going to be rained down on them, but instead they will be moved into another reality that is conducive to their continued development and evolution.

We do not condemn an elementary student to death because he/she is not able to understand calculus…

On December 21st, 2012, for the first time in the history of humanity, the largest number of beings will simultaneously experience the first step toward Initiation through the conscious decision they made to penetrate the veil of appearances and illusion because they were mature and adult enough to give themselves permission to see Truth.

The word Maya means illusion and what December 11:11 doorway of 2012 represents is the parting of the veiling of illusion.  Those who are able to see what they were not now capable of seeing, not because anyone was hiding anything from them, but because they were simply not capable or chose not to; but having made themselves ready, will now be able to move through the gateway.

Those who are able to see will have turned their faces toward symbolic Jerusalem – The Abode of Peace.  These will be the oft spoken of candidates for Initiation.

Who is an Initiate and what is Initiation you ask?

Initiate: The man/woman in whom there is an absence of dualism.  He can stand at the center of the transforming will and bring about the needed changes in the form nature without identifying himself with it or being affected by it.  His number is eleven and he works in the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, the sign of universal consciousness.

Initiation:  the process of penetrating into the mysteries of the science of the Self and of one’s self in all senses. The Path of Initiation is the final stage in the evolution traveled by man and is divided into seven stages represented by the seven gateways of the charkas. The three major centers in the body associated with initiation are the sexual, the heart and the center in the brain.


I was guided in writing three books and the information I was to present to humanity was specific.  It was only after completing all three books that I realized that all three books, plus The Idea that Is United States of America-Its Occult Foundation, chapter eight of Role of Consciousnesss… each lay out the path to initiation using different approaches.

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The Goddess, The Whore, The Shekinah…

The Goddess, The Whore, The Shekinah…

As I listened to conversations and overheard comments about women from many quarters, I decided I had to add my two cents on the subject…  As you may know by now, there is a quiet revolution and a massive evolution taking place.  And, who do you think are at the forefront of all this?  Women!

I am sure there is no one (I hope) who is surprised by this. It has been a long time in coming, but like all things in the evolutionary process…timing is a major factor.

Some say this should have happened eons ago but, according to the knowledge I have, there is a set time for everything to happen and there is an evolutionary process within which everything occurs.  In addition, as the Masters of Wisdom say: “One cannot change anything one cannot “see”!” (meaning to comprehend)

Now, I am going to talk about some issues women might not want to admit or talk about but…here I go.

Between you and me, how did it come to be that women are in a place where they have to defer to the male of the species for even the definition of who she is?  How did we give birth to all things in creation and then have to turn to what we created for our validation?  How did that happen??  Nature always abhors a vacuum and so, very quietly yet quickly women went from Creator to being at the mercy of what she had created.  Does the story of Esau and Jacob come to mind, where Esau sold his birthright for a pot of soup?  Same symbolic story, I feel.

This ‘creep’ happened gradually, bit by bit, as women turned a blind eye and failed to pay attention to the incremental wrongs and injustices we knew our fathers and brothers were doing to others, and then, suddenly they began happening to you/us!   Woman allowed herself to become immersed in the illusion of “material things” and forgot she created all the “things”.  With the offer and promise of more “things”, her power began to dwindle.  Increasingly, out of fear, financial destitution, and a need for economic survival, especially as mothers needing support for their children, women became dependent on men for their very existence.  Men saw and created an opportunity then quickly took advantage of the situation.  Many would say:  it just happened.  I would disagree vehemently.  Nothing ever just happens…I refuse to accept the victim role…When everything is seen with the inner eye of pure reason: “Nothing is ever what it appears to be!”

When one becomes distracted easily, they become a victim of those who would exploit your distraction…

Before women can become whole they must accept all of the different aspects of themselves.  They must accept all that they have been, have done and been a party to…consciously and unconsciously.  The disowning of oneself allows for the mind to be influenced and manipulated towards self-hate!

Who is Woman?  Who is this entity who is so feared that attempts are continuously made to suppress her powers, and that she has been so purposefully maligned for centuries!

Who is she?  She is the symbolic representation of the Creative Force of the Universe— the Third Aspect of the Divine Trinity— The Holy Spirit— The Comforter —the Dark Mother—the Great Ocean, and also known as the Chief Feminine Elder of the Temple.  She is the Pentecost, the Shekinah, and the Holy Ghost!

She will assist humanity in removing the guilt and shame of life, which unfortunately, has been placed at the feet of women!  This Dark Mother, the Feminine Principle, is the Whore, as well as the Virgin; she is the daughter and the mother; she is the midwife and the one who gives birth.  She is the barren sister.  She is the mother of your father and the daughter of your brother.  She is the queen upon her throne and the beggar woman on her stool. She is in every woman, and she gave birth to every Man.  She is the Feminine Power and Creator behind every created thing… she is indeed the Shekinah!!!

Woman is the highest expression of the Cosmic Creative Principle. She is the creator of all life, and all things created are contained in her body. This same Woman is the Alchemical Woman called Isis by the Egyptians.  She is the recorder of the Law, and the form-giving principle.  She is also the tamer of the turbulent forces of the animal kingdom.  She is the preserver of balance and the unveiler of truth.  At the same time she is the unveiled truth itself.

Until women are able to own the totality of who they are, they cannot begin to heal the world.  Woman, you have been everything to become who you are – all  the experiences, from all of the lifetimes, in all the bodies you have occupied.  Now, at this time, the fragments can finally be integrated into an accepted whole, so the Power of who you are can at last be demonstrated to men but, more importantly, to yourselves!   Within you is all you need to be the god you already are!

When I look at the state of the world, I do not have to wonder if humanity would not now enjoy a far better quality of life had women not become so selfish and self-centered.  Despite a compromised position, many women who have had the ears and attention of the men who have ruled the world for centuries, failed to, —stand in their power—hold their space—and speak their truth!  …what influence could women have had in shaping the direction of local, national and international affairs, had they had the vision and the consciousness to impact those changes!  The power of women is subtle, strong, awesome and uncompromising….women forgot their feminine power, and instead sought to become like men and so lost out in the game!

And yes, I know many, many women have risked their lives to advance the cause of humanity and we thank them greatly!  It is a fact that, in the main, women are more likely to spend finances on improving the quality of life for their families and communities than do men.  Sadly, however, in the developed world too many women have allowed their need to have more and more clothes, shoes, houses, and SUVs as status symbols, to completely obliterate the needs of their sisters and brothers in developing countries.  Women have forgotten that we have an obligation to our fellowman.

Alas, we forgot so that we could remember, and now we KNOW what we must do going forward if mankind is to emerge out of the dismal place he is in…

Many people keep asking:  how could God allow such suffering to occur on the Earth?…Well, here’s my answer:   WE created it, so WE must fix it and, to be able to fix it, WE must first see how and why WE did what we did… See?

It started with “separation”.  How?  Once one allows him/herself to think that I and “those other people” have nothing to do with each other, we set off a series of events that morph into the many headed dragon we are now trying to slay, figuratively and literally – the mammoth situation we are experiencing in the world today!!!

It is heartening to see how many women now have the ability to make a significant difference in the world…women’s voices are becoming louder as each has learnt  to:

  • Hold Her Space
  • Stand in Her Power, and,
  • Speak Her Truth.

Women, if you want men or anyone to respect you, you don’t have to beg them to…you simply do the above.  Women are learning, as all members of so-called ‘minority’ groups are that, what you are asking the so-called ‘majority’ group for,…whether it is money, approval or something else, they don’t have it to give to you!!!…They are looking for the same thing you are looking for!  What the other party has done is hoodwinked you into believing that they have more than you do, and that they have what you are looking for but it’s not true!

What makes a person great is not his or her money, education, bloodline or social standing… but rather their consciousness.  How you know that the consciousness isn’t there?  Look around you; it is evidenced by the dire state that the majority of humanity is in!  With all the money and position of so-called ‘power’, the world is in the state it is in with the majority of Humanity living in poverty and illiteracy.

A truly powerful person has a consciousness of ONENESS and out of that consciousness flows a burning desire to liberate Humanity.  Such an individual knows that unless the Pentagram is in its right place, where Spirit dominates Matter, and has accomplished this in his/her own life, instead of the inverted pentagram where Matter dominates Spirit, he is not able to help alleviate the burdens of his brother because he is forever chasing the illusions of the material plane.

Now that so many women have access to money and are in positions of leadership and so-called power, they cannot afford to become drunk on artificial power and try to prove to men or anyone else that they are equal.

When you know something for sure you don’t need to prove it to anyone…and this relates to anyone who is constantly trying to prove their worth to anyone. The people you are trying to prove yourself to feel more inadequate than you do…they just will never tell you so…how else would they keep up the game.  Unless someone is an enlightened being, they are looking for the same thing you are looking for and it cannot be had for money!

Women, you do not need to become like men, and please don’t go chasing the same illusion to define yourself…surely by now we are realizing the folly of that path.

There is a hungry and thirsty world waiting to give you the opportunity to demonstrate that the demons of self-hate in you have been conquered and you are ready to move on this planet like the masters you are.

Women, men are looking to you to guide them.  They know they do not know what you know, and they also know that they are not complete without you and cannot accomplish the huge task of liberating humanity alone.  They are waiting for YOU to come into your own as the creative force you are, take your position of equal rulership, so the task can be completed.

If you are waiting for them to give you your power, it will never happen since you are the Creator in the first place.  They do not have it to give!  You gave your power away to them, all you have to do is… Take.  It.  Back!

You, woman, have the ability to create a new world… new world of conscious citizens who are true Aquarians who understand its true concepts of oneness.

Mothers will cease being in awe of their male offspring and instead teach them to Respect and Honor women.  Mothers must begin to raise their daughter to love, honor and respect themselves not for their physical beauty but for the intrinsic wisdom and knowledge they carry within, and teach them that they must contribute to the world in order for balance and justice to become a reality on this planet.

The work of this Age, with its hallmarks of:  Brotherhood (of Man), Service, Feminine Power, Grace and Synthesis cannot be achieved until women assume their rightful place of power, beauty and grace.   The destiny of our future and our world is, for the most part, in your hands!

There is much to be done!  The time is now!  The mission cannot fail!

Together women and men will come together in Oneness; reconcile the pairs of opposites;  repair the breach and heal the cleavage to finish the task they came here to do—create a world where all its citizens can live as gods—

I know WE (men and women together) can and will!

For more detailed information on the power and beauty of the feminine, check out Unveiling the Secrets of the Feminine Principle

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Filed under Etta D. Jackson

America Will Bend But Will Never Break…

America will bend but will never break

As I travel internationally and listen to foreigners converse about the United States of America and its future, it is clear that many have a love-hate relationship with America.  They admire the can-do attitude, the optimism, and marvel at how Americans always think they can solve every problem while, on the other hand, they feel Americans are too sure of themselves.  Dear friends, it is that spirit of ‘failure is not an option’ that brought the Republic into being and will see it through to its final successful destiny!

I must admit that Americans can be very arrogant at times, and that is because many forget or are not aware of the true destiny of this unique country and what constitutes the idea called America.

America is the young child of Europe and, like the Aquarian-minded young people of the 70’s who, in spite of the brilliance and innovative ideas that made them millionaires and billionaires before they went bust, they realized that without the wisdom of their parents’ generation  they were bound to course correct, and they did – and America will too!  America will increasingly realize that the “parent” has an important contribution to make in America’s success in fulfilling its destiny.  The idea for this democratic republic began long before Europe and America existed as nations.  It was prophesied that the twin brothers Manasseh and Ephraim, Great Britain and the United States respectively, would exist to fulfill the purpose for which mankind was seeded on our planet, under the careful supervision and direction of the Star, Sirius.  It was the six masonic lodges of England, France, The Netherlands, Scotland, Ireland and Germany that laid the foundation for this new Democratic Republic, and it was to Francis Bacon of the British Empire that the task was entrusted to set up the republic, based on the masonic principles, that would guide America to its true destiny.

This destiny is very different from what most American’s have in mind and I think this is a good time to go back and revisit those principles and why, on that basis, the country is on track, despite appearances to the contrary!

I have heard much talk about China and India, and other nations, rising in economic power such that they will soon overtake the USA.   Like all great empires that have been known to rise and fall they say, America will be the next to fall since its influence is waning on the planet.

Not true!   America is growing up and becoming an adult.  America will always be a prosperous nation but it will put its spiritual agenda, and I emphasize spiritual and not religious, in right order to matter or the physical, to fulfill its mission.  America is a rising star.  The assumption that America is due to fall is based on the notion that America is just like all the great empires that have ever existed.  However, what is mostly unknown is the unique and singular premise on which America was created.

America’s greatness is not predicated on its military and financial power as most other empires have been.  Having now demonstrated to the world how matter, physical and monetary, can be acquired and exalted, it is now embarking on the true mission for which the country came into existence…Enlightenment.   This too is the goal for each individual.

It is no mistake that the iconic image of America is a woman standing in New York harbor with a book in one hand and a torch in the other.  The allegorical symbolism, that this country was established to be a light to the world and that Enlightenment must be achieved, ultimately, through the power of the mind.  Lady Liberty, who was originally named Liberty Enlightening the World, stands as a constant reminder to America and the world that the true purpose for which America was created is to be a beacon of Light… Enlightenment!

America has an Aquarian soul, meaning, its true destiny, as it unfolds, is to be the example to the world of:

  • Brotherhood (of Mankind);
  • Synthesis;
  • Restoration of equal feminine power and rulership (essential to mankind’s liberation);
  • How true masonry provides the vehicle for higher knowledge and initiation;  and,
  • Service.

America will demonstrate to the world what happens when a country, as well as the individual, turns its face toward symbolic Jerusalem… The Abode of Peace… and reverses its path out of matter toward Oneness with one’s true Self, who was brought into matter, to fulfill a specific purpose.

As with an individual, each country has a destiny that is determined by the time of its birth which marks and defines how it will unfold throughout the three stages of life:

  • youth;
  • adulthood; and
  • old age

America celebrates July 4th as its birth date and, with this information we know that it was created to be a vehicle to “house” the divine idea of Initiation… to give birth to the idea of Enlightenment – nurture it, and to bring it to perfection over time.

This country was created to be an incubator where anyone and everyone would come to play out the concept of “E pluribus Unum”…out of many one people.  Through education and an understanding of our shared origin, these different cultures and races of humanity would come to intermingle and, through a more intimate knowledge of each other, come to know that though “appearances” suggest they are different and unrelated, they are indeed ONE.

Just as the two pillars in Solomon’s temple, one black and one white, reflect an apparent disconnect, when penetrated with the mind of pure reason, it can be proven that each is a perfect reflector of the other, and that in fact, when the true nature of each is understood what emerges is only the illusory aspect of separation.

Regardless of who is sitting in the presidential role in the USA, no person occupies this position without being allowed to do so by the Spiritual Hierarchy.  America is a spiritual idea and unfolds along the masonic agenda laid down by Sirius who brought it into existence with a definite plan, with a specific outcome.

Each political party represents one half of the pair of opposites and, to understand why each party’s agenda is allowed to play out, it must be understood that this is to bring into clearer focus to the minds of the citizens of America and the world what is needed in the struggle to find the middle way, and what the process looks like.  The pairs of opposites are what mankind came to the planet to play out and to reconcile!  We are not falling apart, we are right on track.  The institutions and, our society as a whole, which have been immersed in matter, are seeing their foundation crack, as it should.  As individuals and as a country we have defined ourselves by how much material possessions and societal position we have and can amass.  Well, that illusion is falling away and countries such as China, India, and others, are now moving in to fill that necessary role.  It was important for America to show to the world what happens when one becomes so immersed in materialism, greed, selfishness and separation. Other countries will now try that on to see what it looks and feels like …to become satiated with all that matter has to offer and, like the prodigal son and King Solomon, turn its back on what no longer satisfies, reverses its step, and move to the next phase of the journey.  This is America’s next step!

It is to America that the task was given to lead humanity out of bondage to ignorance and the illusion to matter.

We have a future ahead that is much, much brighter than anything we have known before or can even imagine, but for that future to become a reality, the foundation of the old must be destroyed.  We cannot tarry any longer in the land of the “splendors and excitement of the underworld” where greed, selfishness and separation abide.  Though the allure is great, they only satisfy our lower natures.  To tarry too long in this world is to run the risk of losing one’s soul.

It is through the conscious grace and mercy of the elder brothers of the race of man, who are among us and who have themselves overcome the illusions of matter, that the foundation in our systems are breaking.  They influence the minds of mankind to bring about mental regeneration, causing liberation from the bondage of ignorance and form.

We are a mighty people, all of us…black, white, brown, yellow and everything in between.  Let us awaken to the task before us and for which we are more than able.  America, the world is waiting, watching and hoping.  All know in their souls that if a better world cannot be realized in the United States of America, it cannot happen anywhere – they know this in their souls!

It is understandable that people become afraid when they don’t know what lies ahead.  I am here to remind us all of the foundation on which this great country was founded and that…”America will bend, but will never break”.  America’s critics will be disappointed but should take heart because their success and destiny is also tied up with America.  No other people on the planet have the ability to course correct as quickly and the time is coming when they will need to do just that.  And in a hurry, and they will!

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Filed under Etta D. Jackson